A Yobe state resident, Mallam Saidu Yusuf, has raped his granddaughter, Hussaina Auwal, 12 in Pompomari ward of Damaturu, the state capital. The 70-year old suspect lured Hussaina into his house and allegedly had sex with his granddaughter. Confirming the incident Tuesday in Damaturu, the Yobe State Police Command Spokesman, ASP, Abdulkarim Dungus disclosed that; “At about 4am Tuesday, one Aisha Usman, a resident of Pompomari ward in Damaturu metropolis reported to the police; that a suspect, Saidu Yusuf raped his granddaughter. “The suspect had sexual intercourse with Hussaina,” she said, adding that both the suspect and victim live in the same community. According to her, the victim however; suffered serial molestation at the hands of suspect. Dugus also yesterday (Tuesday) told The Guardian that the suspect was arrested and confessed to the charge of offense. “While interrogating Yusuf here at Police headquarters, he admitted that he had canal knowledge of Hussaini’s virginity ten times,” he said. He said that after completing preliminary investigations, the suspect will be charged to court for prosecution.
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Yusuf, 70 year old man, rapes granddaughter in Yobe.